About 2


Gretchen is an eclectic writer, a hopeful feminist, a sheepish Mets fan and a proud mom.

She is an essayist, dramatist, and sometime poet. She writes humorously and humanely about grief, grieving, the struggles of family life, the tricks of memory, feminist history, and bisexuality. Gretchen is also a freelance copywriter who is coming to terms with the Oxford comma.

Gretchen’s essays and poems have appeared in The Washington Post, Barely South Review, The Keepthings, Motherwell Magazine, The Good Men Project, TalkSpace, Real Simple, The Chachalaca Review, Natural Selections, Parents Magazine, and the anthology, The Pandemic Midlife Crisis: Gen X Women on the Brink.

A founding member of the OOBR-Award winning comedy troupe Lesbian Pulp-O-Rama!, Gretchen based her first short film, Sondra Stingray: Sapphic Gumshoe on the character she and actress Anna Fitzwater initially created for the stage. The collaboration continued with Anna and director Heather de Michele with As Good As You (Winner- Best LGBT Feature, Hollywood Reel International Film Festival; distributed by First Run Features.)

Her plays have been work-shopped and/or performed at New Georges, Dixon Place, Theatre of Note, The Lark, and Abingdon.

Gretchen and director Michael Mayer founded The Beatrice Terry Residency at The Drama League of New York, to honor her late wife, Beatrice Terry Lopez.

She lives in Jackson Heights, Queens with her charming son, her lovely husband and their crazy cat. She has a BA in English from Vassar College, an MFA in Theater from Sarah Lawrence and a Paralegal Diploma from NYU (because a gal's gotta eat).